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Rotary Engraving Laminates

Milling/Routing/Engraving Materials

Rotary Engraving Laminates
Engraving laminate works by having a base material covered with a thin layer of a contrasting colour. As the material is engraved, the base colour is revealed to decorative effect.

We stock two types of rotary engraving laminates, rigid and flexible. The rigid material has a hard shiny finish and is very durable. It is great for door signs, etc., but it is quite abrasive, so tool life must be budgeted for when using it. Flexible engraving laminate is ideal for many school projects as it is easy to machine, and is not abrasive. It is available in a variety of colours and interesting finishes. We are often disappointed that people seem to overlook this marvellous material. Possibly it sounds expensive at £16.10 for a 610 x 610 x 1.5mm sheet. However, it is ideal for projects such as jewellery where only small amounts would be used. Typically a key fob could easily be machined in less than a couple of minutes and would cost less than 20p. Quick whole class projects can now be a doddle!

N.B. Rotary engraving laminate is not suitable for use with laser cutters, see Laser Engraving Laminates.

Rotary engraving laminates are available in sheets, in a range of colours.
Nominal size: 610 x 610/605 x 1.5mm
1 F-Colour Flexible Rotary Engraving Laminate 610 x 610 x 1.5mm
Order Code: TAP-FCOL
1 M-Colour Flexible Rotary Engraving Laminate 610 x 610 x 1.5mm
Order Code: TAP-MCOL
1 R-Colour Rigid Rotary Engraving Laminate 610 x 605 x 1.5mm
Order Code: TAP-RCOL
Nominal size: 500 x 400 x 1.5mm (for Modela Pro II MDX-540E)
Mixed Pack of 10 Flexible Rotary Engraving Laminate 500 x 400 x 1.5mm One of each F/M colours
Order Code: TAP5-P2
1 F-Colour Rotary Engraving Laminate 500 x 400 x 1.5mm
Order Code: TAP5-FCOL
1 M-Colour Rotary Engraving Laminate 500 x 400 x 1.5mm
Order Code: TAP5-MCOL
Nominal size: 400 x 305 x 1.5mm (for Modela MDX-50E)
Mixed Pack of 10 Flexible Rotary Engraving Laminate 400 x 305 x 1.5mm One of each F/M colours
Order Code: TAP7-P2
1 F-Colour Rotary Engraving Laminate 400 x 305 x 1.5mm
Order Code: TAP7-FCOL
1 M-Colour Rotary Engraving Laminate 400 x 305 x 1.5mm
Order Code: TAP7-MCOL
Nominal size: 305 x 305 x 1.5mm (for RotoCAMM MDX-40AE, MDX-40E)
Mixed Pack of 10 Flexible Rotary Engraving Laminate 305 x 305 x 1.5mm One of each F/M colours
Order Code: TAP4-P2
1 F-Colour Rotary Engraving Laminate 305 x 305 x 1.5mm
Order Code: TAP4-FCOL
1 M-Colour Rotary Engraving Laminate 305 x 305 x 1.5mm
Order Code: TAP4-MCOL
Nominal size: 305 x 230 x 1.5mm (for EGX-30E, Camm 2 PNC2300/A)
Mixed Pack of 10 Flexible Rotary Engraving Laminate 305 x 230 x 1.5mm One of each F/M colours
Order Code: TAP3-P2
1 F-Colour Rotary Engraving Laminate 305 x 230 x 1.5mm
Order Code: TAP3-FCOL
1 M-Colour Rotary Engraving Laminate 305 x 230 x 1.5mm
Order Code: TAP3-MCOL
WHILST STOCKS LAST Red on Black, Flexible Rotary Engraving Laminate, 305 x 230 x 1.5mm
Order Code: TAP3-F7
Nominal size: 200 x 150 x 1.5mm (for SRM-20E, Modela MDX-20E)
Mixed Pack of 10 Flexible Rotary Engraving Laminate 200 x 150 x 1.5mm One of each F/M colours
Order Code: TAP2-P2
1 F-Colour Rotary Engraving Laminate 200 x 150 x 1.5mm
Order Code: TAP2-FCOL
1 M-Colour Rotary Engraving Laminate 200 x 150 x 1.5mm
Order Code: TAP2-MCOL
Nominal size: 150 x 100 x 1.5mm (for Modela MDX-15E)
Mixed Pack of 10 Flexible Rotary Engraving Laminate 150 x 100 x 1.5mm One of each F/M colours
Order Code: TAP1-P2
1 F-Colour Rotary Engraving Laminate 150 x 100 x 1.5mm
Order Code: TAP1-FCOL
1 M-Colour Rotary Engraving Laminate 150 x 100 x 1.5mm
Order Code: TAP1-MCOL
WHILST STOCKS LAST, American Walnut on White, Flexible Rotary Engraving Laminate, 150 x 100 x 1.5mm
Order Code: TAP1-F6
WHILST STOCKS LAST, Red on Black, Flexible Rotary Engraving Laminate, 150 x 100 x 1.5mm
Order Code: TAP1-F7
Nominal size: 86 x 55 x 1.5mm (for iModela iM-01)
Mixed Pack of 10 Flexible Rotary Engraving Laminate 86 x 55 x 1.5mm One of each F/M colours
Order Code: TAP0-P2
1 F-Colour Rotary Engraving Laminate 86 x 55 x 1.5mm
Order Code: TAP0-FCOL
1 M-Colour Rotary Engraving Laminate 86 x 55 x 1.5mm
Order Code: TAP0-MCOL
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